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Our curriculum is delivered through three strands of Computing: Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. Check out some of the exciting learning opportunities our children experience as part of our Computing curriculum. 



At Camp Hill Primary School, we understand the integral place of Computing in a modern society and we offer a rich and creative Computing curriculum which provides opportunities for children to grow and learn in a warm, caring and safe environment. Online safety underpins the whole Computing and wider curriculum, with embedded E-Safety lessons that build key skill areas as the children journey across the school, as well as a whole-school approach to E-safety, supported by regular whole-school assemblies and our continuing development within the 360 E-Safety mark framework. We extend our online safety responsibilities outside of school to our families and the local community via our pastoral support, to help connect the online safety and mental health and wellbeing taught in school with the real life experiences of children and families outside of school. We make sure that our learners are supported and socially responsible in school, out of school and into the future.   

Our broad and balanced curriculum inspires learners through high quality first-hand experiences and collaborative learning opportunities, enabling them to build on their existing knowledge, interests and access to technology, to enable access to rich content and to support understanding of new concepts.  

Communication is fundamental in Computing and is at the core of the Computing curriculum, developing children’s communication skills to support them now and throughout their lives. Where starting points and access to technology are low, we focus on opportunities and access to ensure equality for all children. We recognise the importance of starting with what children know and can do to develop and embed essential knowledge and skills. The aim of our Computing curriculum is to build on and enrich children’s prior knowledge and experiences to enable all children to be fully computer literate and safe. 


Year 1 Combining Text and Images

Year 1 combining text and images

Year 2 Experimenting with Different

Year 2 experimenting with different

Year 3 Creating Posters Digitally

Year 3 creating posters digitally

Year 3 creating stop-frame animation

Year 3 creating stop frame animation

Year 3 Creating Stop-Frame Animations

Year 3 creating stop frame animations

Year 4 Being a Local Area Network

Year 4 being a local area network

Year 4 Creating Animations on

Year 4 creating animations on

Year 4 Learning about Coding

Year 4 learning about coding

Year 4 Learning Code on Scratch

Year 4 learning code on scratch

Year 5 Creating Spreadsheets

Year 5 creating spreadsheets


Year 5 Creating their own Raster

Year 5 creating their own raster

Year 6 Programming their own

Year 6 programming their own