5th | Year 3 Keeping Healthy Assembly to Parents/Carers |
7th | NSPCC Number Day Non-uniform (donations on the school gates) |
11th |
Safer Internet Day Year 6 Annual Health Questionnaire |
13th |
2pm KS1 Friends Activities (Details to follow) 3.30pm KS2 Friends Disco (Details to follow) |
14th | Last day of term (Children in school all day) |
6th | World Book Day |
10th to 14th | Science Week |
20th | Wear bright socks for Down Syndrome Day |
21st | Red Nose Day - wear something red |
25th | Year 6 Annual Health Questionnaire feedback |
26th | Year 2 Spring Festivals Assembly to Parents/Carers |
1st | Parents Evening (Details to follow - day subject to change) |
3rd | Parents Evening (Details to follow - day subject to change) |
4th | Non-uniform day for Chocolate Donations |
7th & 8th | Celebration Assembly |
9th | KS1 Easter Bonnet Parade |
10th |
KS2 Easter Egg Competition Easter Bingo (Details to follow) |
11th |
KS2 Easter Assembly at 9.05am KS1 Easter Assembly at 9.45am World Arts Day Last Day of Term (children in school all day) |
28th | Children back to school |
May | |
5th | Bank Holiday (School closed) |
15th | Year 6 Photos (Details to follow) |
16th | Wear it Blue Day (Mental Health Awareness) |
19th | Final Hazel Class swimming session |
23rd | Last day of Term (children in school all day) |
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