School gates open at 8:40am and close at 8:50am
There is a clear link between attendance and attainment; the more time a pupil spends in school the more likely they are to improve their opportunity to fulfil their full potential.
Gets the day off to a good start with everyone in a positive frame of mind. Helps your child make the most of their learning and sets positive patterns for the future. Helps children develop a sense of responsibility both for themselves and for others Helps your child make and keep friends. Improves self confidence.
Gets the day off to a bad start and can put you in a mood. Can be embarrassing May damage your child’s confidence. Children miss vital information at the start of the day. Disrupts the learning.
Being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning:
Help your child get everything ready the night before (e.g. PE kit, school uniform) Allowing plenty of time to get to school Make sure your child has breakfast or arrives at school in time for breakfast club. Help your child organise homework. Establish a good bedtime routine