Curriculum Overview

At Camp Hill Primary we provide every individual child with rich, creative and inclusive experiences which help them grow and prepare them for a lifetime of learning and challenges!

School Motto - "Growing Together"

Based on our knowledge of our community of learners, we have identified key drivers as essential to ensuring success in achieving our Vision.


Key Drivers - The 3 C's 

  • Compassion - Engage, Enable, Support, Equip
  • Community - Diversity, Inclusions, First Hand Experience
  • Communication - Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

Our Vision defines our strategic direction and purpose, focusing on our goals for our learners.



Through our warm, caring and compassionate approach we will: 

  • Create a safe and secure environment where all learners feel confident, valued and respected and where pastoral support, mental health and well-being is given the highest priority.
  • Promote good team work through open and honest communication and a sense of shared responsibility. 
  • Foster a culture of celebration where all successes are recognised. 
  • Provide a bespoke and personalised curriculum to meet the needs of all learners within and beyond the classroom. 
  • Provide challenge at all levels for everyone. 
  • Instil a passion for learning in everyone that lasts a lifetime.  

Curriculum Statement

Our curriculum offer is informed by our School Vision, Principles and Key Drivers. 



At Camp Hill Primary School, we deliver a curriculum under pinned by our key drivers: Compassion, Community and Communication.

We offer rich and creative opportunities for children to learn and grow in a warm, caring and safe environment. Pastoral support and high regard for children’s mental health and well-being thread through all that we do.

We invest heavily in working with the community and families so that all our learners are fully enabled, engaged, supported and equipped.

Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes diversity and inclusion. We inspire learners through high quality first-hand experiences. This enables them to build on their existing and emerging talents and strengths.

Central to our curriculum is developing children’s communication skills so that they are able to maximise their learning potential, now and in the future. Where starting points are low, we focus on developing Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing alongside Maths and other National Curriculum subjects.

Our curriculum is designed to build on children’s prior knowledge and to support their cultural capital. We recognise the importance of starting with what children know and can do to develop and embed essential knowledge and skills.



We organise our curriculum using two approaches: teaching of discrete subjects and through a thematic approach. Every opportunity is taken to develop learning links within and across subjects over time.

Children receive high quality teaching building systematically on previous learning through agreed Essential Elements to enable them to achieve their goals.

Children actively contribute to lessons and teaching is bespoke and personalised to their needs. Positive feedback is used to support and encourage.

Teachers work hard to instil a passion for learning in all learners that will last a lifetime.



We evaluate the impact of our curriculum through how well our curriculum contributes to our Vision, Principles and Key Drivers.

We use a wide range of monitoring strategies to provide us with useful information about impact including pupil data, curriculum documentation, pupil voice, books, questionnaires, displays, floor books, subject leader impact logs and we will continue to develop the evaluation process using these.


Curriculum Organisation

At Camp Hill Primary School, using Dimensions - Learning Means the World curriculum, we have developed a thematic approach to learning, that not only addresses all aspects of the National Curriculum, but engages and interests our children.

Some subjects are taught as part of this thematic sequence of learning, but some subjects are taught discretely. The timetable has been carefully considered to ensure that our children experience a broad range of subjects and knowledge.

The following subjects are taught discretely: 

  • English (Writing)
  • Reading and Phonics
  • Maths
  • Religious Education
  • Physical Education
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French)
  • PSHE and HRE
  • Science
  • Computing
  • Music

At Camp Hill Primary we have embarked on a curriculum that is outward-facing, relevant, nurturing, and inclusive. We want our pupils to become educated and responsible global citizens, developing their cultural capital, whilst teaching them all about human creativity and achievement.

The thematic units within Dimensions are cross-curricular in nature and the following subjects are taught: 

  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Design Technology
  • PSHE

As well as more contemporary areas of study, such as sustainability and personal wellbeing. These are all set within a global context, but also explore more local aspects of the theme.